Gibson Guitar Catalogues (two) - 1989/1991


Condition - Two Gibson catalogues - the 1991 catalogue has 15 pages. Both are excellent condition. The 1998 is a colour leaflet style. (2253)

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Condition - Two Gibson catalogues - the 1991 catalogue has 15 pages. Both are excellent condition. The 1998 is a colour leaflet style. (2253)

Condition - Two Gibson catalogues - the 1991 catalogue has 15 pages. Both are excellent condition. The 1998 is a colour leaflet style. (2253)

Gibson 1991 Catalogue - 1991
Gibson Guitar Catalogue bundle
Gibson catalogues x three -
Gibson 1978 New Guitar Colour Pullout - 6 pages - 1978
Gibson European Colour Catalogue - 1979